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Health Professionals

Sponsorship / Scholarship

Are you passionate about a career in diagnostic radiography in the public healthcare sector?

We have sponsorships and scholarships to help make your dream come true.

Already enrolled in a diagnostic radiography programme in a local polytechnic or university?​

You can apply for a study sponsorship and enjoy benefits such as annual allowance, study award and the opportunity to work with us.

Find out more here:

For enquiries, contact our human resource department:


Looking for a scholarship to pursue studies in diagnostic radiography?

Some of our radiographers are recipients of the MOH Holdings Healthcare Merit Scholarship/Award. Read about their exciting careers journeys:

[Photo of scholar Zoey Ang]

Zoey Ang, Radiographer, NHG Diagnostics
Healthcare Merit Scholarship recipient

Healthcare Scholarships (Facebook post, 4 Mar 2020)

Get Ahead:​ Making a Ray of Difference (BrightSparks website, 12 Nov 2017)

Making a Ray of Difference (BrightSparks magazine, Feb 2017)

[Photo of scholar Teng Kai Qi] 

Teng Kai Qi, Radiographer, NHG Diagnostics
Healthcare Merit Award recipient

Bringing Rays of Hope to the Community 
(Article written by NHGD, 19 Nov 2020 - not published yet.)

Find out more about the Healthcare Merit Scholarship/Award here: